

Welcome to JavaSteps - Flow Execution Engine for Java.
The rational behind this open-source project is to create a Java based, easy-to-use, customizable flow execution engine that can be easily integrated with any Java application, client or server side, with minimal dependencies and maximum control.

How does it work?

JavaSteps is a Java library that comes as an API and implementation.
The flow engine takes a flow definition file (XML based) as an input and starts executing a flow of actions as described in the XML file. A flow is constructed of steps, action steps that define the actual flow behavior and control structure steps that enable flow control.

An XML schema is available for the flow definition XML file. Also see Xnsdoc for Javadoc style XML schema documentation.


JavaSteps is 100% pure Java and is developed with the Java 5.0 platform, so the first thing you have to make sure
is that you have the latest JDK 1.5. (Get it at

There is only one jar to use: javasteps-{version}.jar

Needed third party software:


Bugs and Comments

Any comments or bug reports are welcome, please use the project page at:

Or send your email to


Created by Ran Kornfeld.
All rights reserved. Logo